Il nostro

A metà strada tra la magica laguna di Venezia e le Dolomiti Bellunesi, dalle quali arriva la maggior parte del latte usato, Perenzin Latteria si trova nel comune di San Pietro di Feletto tra le magiche colline del Prosecco Conegliano-Valdobbiadene.  

Patrimonio UNESCO dal 2019 e culla del prodotto enologico tra i più famosi al mondo, quest’area collinare racchiude secoli di storia, cultura e tradizione in cui poter vivere un’esperienza unica e indimenticabile.

Tour &

Da anni PER Bottega & Cheese Bar accoglie turisti da tutto il mondo in visita alla nostra Latteria, tra i magazzini di stagionatura ed il museo storico aziendale, dando loro la possibilità di scoprire la storia della  famiglia e la nostra grande passione: il formaggio! Scopri i tour e prenota la tua esperienza.

Buoni Regalo

Seleziona il buono regalo più adatto al tuo amico #cheeselover: un buono spesa per acquisti nella nostra Bottega, oppure un buono per una degustazione di formaggi Perenzin abbinati a dei vini del territorio?

  • Riceverai il buono tramite email, in un comodo pdf in formato A4, che potrai stampare e consegnare a chi vuoi tu
  • Il destinatario del buono potrà prenotare l’esperienza in una data a sua scelta
  • Il buono ha la validità di 1 anno

Dicono di noi...

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The tour was really nice and informative, but the cheese tastings really got us - an amazing quality and selection of award winning cheeses! This is a family business - the fifth generation of cheese makers. And it shows. The owner who gave us the tour was simply wonderful - she showed us true love and dedication for what she does. Thank you very much for the great hospitality. We recommend not just for the cheese, but also for a light meal while touring the prosecco area...
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Erika was a very warm and welcoming host. The cheese tour was informative and very interesting. Erika also had great recommendations for additional things to do in the local area. I would highly recommend this to anyone visiting the area!
Sabrina T
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Ottima esperienza, ottimi sguardo al passato che segna e stimola il presente.Consigliatissssima.
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Eine tolle Erfahrung und ein toller Einblick in das Reich des Käses. Unbedingt machen, wenn man hier in der Region ist.
Sebastian G
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Despite being an internationelly awarded cheese maker the hospitality and personal reception was truly amazing! We were given a tour by the owner herself and tasted some fantastic cheese together with perfect wine. We will recommend this place to anyone going to the region!
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5-star rating is an understatement - from host, experience itself, their cheeses, and price!!! Must try if you're around Venice, their place is 1-hour or so away from Mestre Station
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Erika was an absolutely fantastic host! She was very knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and so welcoming to the cheese factory. We enjoyed every moment part of the tour (especially the tasting!), and when asking for suggestions on other activities within the area she happily offered to drive us to a local vineyard for another tour. Would highly recommend this experience to anyone in the area.
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Great introduction to Italian cheeses- Erika was an enthusiastic, fun and extremely well informed host. We had a brilliant time exploring the cellars and an even better time tasting the delicious cheeses! Good to find a local family business producing excellent quality food. Erika kindly gave us a load of local recommendations, too- thank you!
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This is an outstanding experience! It is a must for everybody. Erika is a cheese expert and knows a lot about wine too and she will tell you the great story of her family's business, the cheese making process and you will learn to taste their award winning products. We came in this area for prosecco of course, but this experience was beyond our expectations and a lot of fun!
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MUST SEE, if you are in the region! Erika and her family are very friendly. If you love cheese like we do, here you can learn everything about how to produce cheese, how you should eat it etc. And of course: the cheese was just delicious!

Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento:

POR FESR – “Bando per l’attivazione, sviluppo, consolidamento di aggregazioni di PMI per interventi che favoriscano l’orientamento alla domanda turistica e ai mercati internazionali”

Asse 3
Competitività dei sistemi Produttivi

Azione 3.3.4 – Sostegno alla competitività delle imprese nelle destinazioni turistiche, attraverso interventi di qualificazione dell’offerta e innovazione di prodotto/servizio, strategica ed organizzativa
Sub-Azione D “Promozione”

DGR 1426 del 01/10/2019 – Progetto di aggregazione finalizzato alla allapromo-commercializzazione di prodotti turistici sviluppati all’interno del network di imprese

Spesa ammessa: €592.700,00
Contributo ammesso: 296.350,00